Since the collapse of communism at the end of the 1980 the pendulum of public policy in nation after nations has swung towards the free market end of the economic spectrum.The emergence of global institutionsOver the past half century, a number of important global institutions have been been created to help manage, regulate and police the global marketplace, and to promote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business system.
The changing world output and world trade picturecountry ( share ofworld output) SHARE OF WORLD EXPORT
1963, 2001-2002, 2002
UNITED STATES 40.3%, 21.5%, 11.9%
JAPAN 5.5% , 7.55% , 6.6%
GERMANY 9.7%, 4.64%, 9.3%
FRANCE 6.3% , 3.27% , 5.2%
U.K 6.5% , 3.23%, 4.4%
ITALY 3.4% , 3.0%, 3.9%
CANADA 3.0 %, 1.96%, 4.2%
CHINA NA , 12.77% , 4.2%
SOUTH KOREA NA, 1.98%, 1.5%
The changing pattern of world output and trade
Characteristics of today’s business environment
Ø Recent forces and events have influence that goes beyond national boundaries and operates in sudden and something mysterious ways that surpass even the wild anticipations of governmental and international institutions.
Ø Most of the forces originate in geographically distant places but appear to be linked together in their impacts and consequences.
Ø Action needed to limit these consequences must be regional or international, and such actions demand plans and policies that are well coordinated, thoughtful, and practical
Ø The forces that shapes global business are numerous and uncontrollable and they simultaneously stimulate integration and differentiation.
Since the 1950s, trade has been expanding faster than world output.infact; world GDP and trade grew at ostentatious rates in 1997 despite the Asian financial crises. Merchandise exports grew at 9.5%and this is the highest rate of trade growth in more than two decades (WTO, 1998). Merchandise exports increased from $4,15 billion in 1995 to$ 5,295 billion in 1997. For the same year commercial services increase from $1200 billion to $1295 billion.The annual percentage change rate for world exports increased from an average of 6%for 1995-1996 to 9.5% in 1997.References: -1) International businessCharles W.L HILLUniversity of Washington2) ARUN K.JAINIndian institute of managementLuck now3) GLOBALISATION OF BUINESSABBAS J.ALI